“What’s the difference between a CPA and a CFO? And, doesn’t my CFO need to be a CPA?” The more and more I network with other business leaders, other entrepreneurs, and other professionals, the more I […]
“I don’t see a way out of it…” The long, silver haired attorney was leaning back in his leather seat. His mahogany wall paneling and Arhaus executive desk were saturated with a long history of “helping” […]
That’s right. Even CFO’s learned something from The Pandemic. According to this CFODive.com Article, there are 4 things that CFO’s learned. Ensure business continuity with forward-looking risk management. Streamline internal audit Safeguard access to diversified sources […]
How often do we think we know what we want to achieve, only to discover that gaps in willpower, past influences and control, and self-discipline hold us back? Performance coaching helps people identify their motivation, and […]
In the last few weeks, I was presented with an opportunity to purchase a book of business from another firm. They perform similar functions to mine, and it was a logical fit. The seller reached out […]
I met with a friend for coffee the other day. It was the first time I had stepped foot inside a coffee shop since the pandemic began earlier in 2020. Surreal; only way to describe it. […]