Why haven’t you met some of your goals both personally and professionally? What are your roadblocks to success?
What is holding you back from your full potential?
A million and one excuses.
It may be a feeling of jealousy over people that have “made it”.
-“Why am I stuck in this dead end job that I loathe getting up and going to everyday?”
-“Why is it that other people seem to be able to have their lives together and I can’t catch a break?”
The truth of this is that YOU are the only one that’s holding you back.
It’s about mindset, it’s about perseverance in the face of adversity, it’s about pushing yourself EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. to be a better version of yourself. LEVELING UP. Believing that you have the potential that others see in you.
“Interference” generally means emotional interference. We may understand our true potential, but our performance suffers because our emotions get in the way. Some of MOST interfering emotions are fear, guilt, and worry.
They are usually old narratives from childhood. Or things we’ve been told about ourselves that no longer are true and definitely no longer serve us.
It’s a judgment from other people in our lives that is then negatively integrated into our psyche.
Let’s look at these more closely- where do they come from?
Amy Schillinger – Executive Performance Coach, LMFT
“It may take time to deal with your fear of a situation, event, or action, but it’s hugely beneficial to do so. You may have to do some digging into your past with your coach to figure out WHY you’re afraid, but the emotional interference of fear does not create success. It’s my job to help you target and eliminate the fear. Entrepreneurs jump. Or need a little push“
Once your coach helps you identify and discuss your fears, you weaken the power of those fears to hold back future activity and performance.
Likewise, it can be useful to anticipate some worst-case scenarios – such as losing an important sales contract or even losing your job – because it lets you see what other options are available.
THE UNDERLYING BENEFIT- Perhaps the sales contract wasn’t as profitable as other contracts you could pursue if you had time to spend with new customers because you lost that contract. There may be a silver lining.
Perhaps losing a job is the first step toward a new career, even within your current organization. Dealing with self-doubt and fear of failure is one of the most valuable areas to explore.
SV Performance Coaches see their clients’ true potential and eliminate the effect of interfering emotions. Processing emotions during coaching will help.
Entrepreneurs should be thought of as athletes who want to move to the next level in their game.